A video tutorial series teaching a comprehensive understanding of Finale Music Notation Software
1. Nailing Navigation
1-1 Nailing Navigation Lesson 1 (Basic)
Finale is a tools based program so knowing the basics of the tools and the Main Tool Palette is essential to being successful. There are a few obvious and not so obvious things that you can do with the Tool Palettes in Finale so in this video I will cover all of that information and cover some other tricks to help you navigate between the tools.
Finale V26.2
Hot Tip: Shortcuts for Tools
Did you know that you can program Keyboard Shortcuts for tools in the main tool palette? Well, you can!
Check out this short Hot Tip to see how to do it for both Mac and Windows!
Finale V26.2
1-2 Nailing Navigation Lesson 2 (Basic)
Page View
Page View is the WYSIWYG view of Finale. What you see on the screen in Page View is what you will get when you print your music. In this video I’ll show you how to navigate through your music in Page View (with both the mouse and with keystrokes), a few options that are available for different types of Page Views and some miscellaneous settings that are also available.
Finale V26.2
1-3 Nailing Navigation Lesson 3 (Basic)
Scroll View and Studio View
Scroll View will show your music in one continuous horizontal scroll. There are some unique (and very helpful) properties and functions in Scroll View which can make your workflow a lot quicker in certain circumstances. I’ll show you how to program and use Staff Sets (7:32), (only found in Scroll View), which will allow you to view specific sets of staves while temporarily hiding all the others. Studio View is very similar to Scroll View but has a few extra features that are useful for playback..
Finale V26.2
1-4 Nailing Navigation Lesson 4 (Basic)
It may seem fairly basic but like a lot of things in Finale there’s a bit more to Zoom than you might imagine. Zooming in and out is a basic, yet essential operation so with a few pointers you can save yourself from wasting a lot of time doing things the long way.
Finale V26.2
1-5 Nailing Navigation Lesson 5 (Intermediate)
Go to Measure… Bookmarks
In this video I’ll teach you all about the Go to Measure… feature (0:29) and Bookmarks (3:11), two essential navigation tools that may have eluded even many long-time Finale users. Do yourself a favor and check out this video to see what you might be missing!
Finale V26.2
1-6 Nailing Navigation Lesson 6 (Intermediate)
Windows and Tabs
It’s possible to have multiple windows open for the same file in Finale and those windows can also be merged into Tabs if you want. This video will show you how to do all of that. This is one area where Mac and Windows diverge a lot. Since these videos were made on a Mac this lesson may only partially apply to Windows users.
Finale V26.2